Monday, January 24, 2011

Week #5

So...I finished last week at my goal of 17 miles! I find myself looking forward to my workouts...which is exactly what I hoped for! Here's to week #5 and keeping the momentum going...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Keep on keepin' on...

So...10 miles this week so far. I took Monday off, walked 5 miles both Tuesday and Wednesday...should be able to get 4 miles in tonight watching Grey's Anatomy leaving 3 miles to finish either Friday/Saturday to hit my goal. I heart my purchase EVER!

Monday, January 17, 2011


I finished last week with 19 miles. Towards the end of the week, I started running. Not very fast and not very far, but run I did! I haven't ran anywhere since college, so I was pretty pumped. Let's see what happens this week! :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Getting Fit in 2011 Christmas present to myself this year was a Nordic Track treadmill. I love that it has speakers for my Ipod or Pandora and also that you can put in Jillian Michaels IFIT workouts. I have also set up a TV just like at the gym, only its my shows playing and not ESPN. My goal is to walk at least 17 miles per week until infinity. I just had my 31st birthday (I know...I don't look a day over 25...I get that a lot-lol!) and with each passing year, gravity grabs a little bit more!

So, in 2011, I am bound and determined to GET FIT! I am still working out at Curves three days a week and trying to limit work lunches/dinners to salads and broth soups only(its amazing how many calories you can pack in at a restaurant).

I walked 6 miles the first week and 10 miles the second week...and then old man winter stepped in and gave me the worst cold I've had since Sept...took a week off and this week I have already put in 11 miles. I am going to update this blog with my progress and hopefully by summer this year I am singing a completely fit and healthy tune!